Saturday, June 02, 2007

When you are a youth leader, specifically for SQUAD, summer does not officially start until the Kick Off Party . . . oh the joys of Lock-Ins . . . I thought that with graduation behind me I could count sleepless nights a thing of the past as well . . . not the case! But staying up all night with 45 junior highers to roller skate, drive go carts, play miniature golf, watch a movie, go on a quest and eat at Denney's is MUCH better than staying up all night to write a paper or study for a test!

The Purple Patrol (boys are blue, girls are pink, when they mix it creates purple = not allowed), minus Caitlyn!

our two favorite student leaders are getting some extra loving from Richard!

our old "trusty" bus - way to ride in style!

these girls are smiling brightly in excitement for the night's activities.

Squid and I are lacing up our skates - and trying to prepare ourselves for some embarrassment.

the only way we could stop was crashing into the walls . . . Squid felt that it was necessary to attempt a climb over the wall at some point too.

Frank's the youth pastor - he wants me to take over - I just smile and walk away . . . he's a pretty great time though.

Brittany and Taylor are doing a little put-put.

These siblings are listening intently to the rules . . .

we technically weren't supposed to "bump" into each other . . . but common . . . where's the fun in that?

Paige was a little tired after the 2 1/2 hour long movie =)

These two kept up with the commentary throughout the whole movie . . .

Dean was Mr. Smarty pants and opted to take a nap instead of watch Spidey =)

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