Sunday, September 23, 2007


just two things - not fully part number two - put two things I felt I should share.

1) There's a stirring in my soul. A hunger arising. I'm excited - because it's an answer to a prayer I have had for a while. I am thirsty for the Word. It has been a long time since I've desired to hold it in my hand and partake of it's life.

2) You know the song "Blessed Be Your Name" ? of course =) It first came out when a friend died and so it has always evoked those feelings - you give [life] and you take [death] away. But this weekend new understanding arose; God gives and takes away a lot more than just life - He gives us ministries and then moves us. He gives us a home and then He takes that away. And most importantly He takes away our sin!! I understood in a new way - this journey we're on, has a lot of coming and going - and in the midst of it, no matter how I feel, God deserves the Glory. He is good. His love endures. His Name is to be praised.

1 comment:

alicat said...

i hope you know that you are one of the people martha and i were missing. =)

i always get a little thrill whenever 'blessed be your name' is played-church, radio, whatever. part of me expects it to be done ministering to me by now-but for some reason, God has chosen to use this song over and over again in my life too. i'm glad he's using it in yours too.
