Tuesday, January 08, 2013

and a Happy New Year!

Wheewww! One week already flew by! Please make it stop!

I've been working on my time management lately - strangely the more I pay attention to the time the less I feel I have.

Side note - I just downloaded Spotify to listen to The Civil Wars - because I listened to their song Poison & Wine while I was reading a blog. I'm totally being ruined. It makes me think of years past when we would lay on the living room floor and listen to Damien and Brooke. I've been reminiscing a lot this week about days past... Life was a different kind of crazy back then. *sigh* No good to dwell on the past I suppose...

So back to my original train of thought. =) Before the New Year began I had already started being more intentional with my time management, but having 2 weeks off for the Holidays totally tossed a wrench in my routine. So I got back on task last week and I thoroughly thought I would be rocking my time management and showing my "to do" list who is boss. Epic fail.

Ok, maybe not quite epic... I'm getting a lot done! But I feel like there is still not enough time in my day!

Part of managing my time is to set up "Office Hours" for my two home businesses in addition to completing one "craft" project a week (this I guess is a type of "time mapping" where I focus on one topic or task for a specified time of the day). I sell PartyLite Candles and doTERRA Essential Oils (watch for future blogs on these topics - I'm so excited to share what is going on in both, in addition to my "crafts"!!!!) And I love that owning a direct sales business allows me to work as much or as little as I need to. In the past I have not allotted specific time for growing and working my businesses and so I've been trying to be intentional in that. I've also gotten plugged into 2 amazing teams of Christians (not entirely - but hugely influenced by Faith) who are loving on me and supporting me as I figure out how to re-establish and grow myself as a successful business owner, and Daughter too.

I'm continually being reminded to keep priorities in line;

But I'm so excited to grow and learn and be involved that my days feel like a scrambled mess. I'm staying up later than I'd like which makes it hard to get up as early as I like. And all this busy-excitement cause the days to pass in a blink of the eye. I think this is why I consider my "office hours" as an "epic fail." I honestly thought that paying more attention to my time would help me get more out of my day - but it seems to work the opposite way. In fact, after a burnout of a week last week I reluctantly observed the Sabbath on Sunday - and was blown away at how slow and calm the day proceeded.

When you think of me, please pray for me. For clarity and direction. For inspiration and deeper love. For concentration and wisdom. I would much appreciate it. Advice too.

Much Love, Amanda 
Hebrews 10:23-25
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching. 

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