Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Nothing makes sense anymore.

And, well, let me just be honest for a minute . . . well no, I dunno if I can, it might not make any sense . . . and I'm tired of being misunderstood . . . but the point is to try right . . . it's too hard right now . . . too confusing I guess . . .

In other news, Dane made it back to us safe and sound. And even though there is much homework to accomplish, it's comforting to know that he's sitting in our living room, eating cookies and drinking our water-milk . . .

1 comment:

Father Dane said...

Yeah definitely was water milk, and yes I could not drink it and call myself a "real man." But thanks for the cookies, and thanks for the awesome cookies! I love coming to see you all...

the end for now. oh yeah and I missed my flight so I am chillin in the airport...good times.